Entrepreneur vs. Intrapreneur: Is it worth it?

My friend Jun Loayza pushed his girlfriend to be an entrepreneur and came up against resistance. Not everyone is cut out to go solo, nor should they. In the tight knit blogging and Brazen Careerist community, you see quite a few that have gone out on their own. The appeal is very tempting at first: workContinue reading “Entrepreneur vs. Intrapreneur: Is it worth it?”

Four New Must Have iPhone Apps for Business

Early, I posted 10 essential business apps for a traveling consultant. Since then, I’ve gotten my hands on several new apps that have enhanced my productivity while mobile. CardSnap Business Card Scanner ($14.99) Most of the business card readers on the app store do the OCR (optical character recognition) using the phone’s relatively slow processor.Continue reading “Four New Must Have iPhone Apps for Business”

Where Do Social Media Policies and Strategic Planning Fit in a Company (Part 3)

This is the third part in a series of posts developing a social media toolkit for companies. When I last wrote my piece on Social Media Policies and Procedures (Part 1), it received a lot of interest and showed up fairly high in the Google Search results. Part two was developing a Social Media Strategic Plan.Continue reading “Where Do Social Media Policies and Strategic Planning Fit in a Company (Part 3)”

Traveling Consultant? There’s an App for that. 10 apps for business productivity.

There’s an app for everything. As a traveling business consultant, I rely on my iPhone more than most people. I depend on a core set of apps that help me remain productive during down times: waiting at the airport, waiting for a meeting to start, and “shhhh…” while commuting home. My upgrade to the iPhoneContinue reading “Traveling Consultant? There’s an App for that. 10 apps for business productivity.”

Five ways to automate and outsource life

As a consultant, I put in long hours and a lot of travel. By the time I get home, doing chores and household tasks isn’t on the top of my list. In an effort have more quality time during the weekends, rather than catching up on chores, I opted to engage in some outsourcing services.Continue reading “Five ways to automate and outsource life”

Weekend Roundup 1

Periodically during the weekends, I’ll recap a few posts that were long forgotten in the archives. Today, the theme is social media: photo credit: claudia vieira Social Media Policies and Procedures This was one of my best posts that was tweeted by @chrisbrogan and drove in a lot of traffic. There’s a strong business interestContinue reading “Weekend Roundup 1”

Simplify Your Writing to Communicate Better

A short report, presentation, letter, memo, or document is often many times as hard to write than its long counterpart. Anyone can write a 20 page report, it takes talent to condense all that information in to a one page briefing. So why do you see such poorly written documents both online and offline? TheContinue reading “Simplify Your Writing to Communicate Better”